All Projects

Current Projects

Two Schools

Computer School

Computer School for young adults started in March 2013. Average student strength about 200.

After School for Children

Started this school in January 2013 to tutor young children (class I through VII). Average student strength about 500.

Past Projects

Snake Map of India

Collected pictures and data of 33 most common snakes all over India to publish one of a kind 2' x 3' poster calendar.

Eye-opening Video on Snakes

CJSS Web site:

People Behind JSS

The children of CJSS school perform drama, do puppet shows among many other extracurricular activites.


CJSS published many leaflets and books and maps on many topics like snakes, intestinal disorders, black fever, malaria and even ghosts.

Join us - Donate

Join us to help any of the projects undertaken by WFH. We can't do it alone - we need your support.

Both types of donations - Time and money are much appreciated. Please start a conversations with us and let's see what we can accomplish together.

At this moment, we desperately need a few computers, software and other accessories for
CJSS Computer School.

Let us all strive to change the world one person at a time. 

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